* Best wishes for your new position. 祝賀您升職,願您萬事如意。
* Congratulations on your promotion! May you be very successful in your new position. 恭喜您升職,願您在新的崗位上大展宏圖。
* Your hard work has paid off. Congratulations on your promotion! 您辛勤的努力終於得到了回報,恭喜您升職!
* I am thrilled for you and cannot wait to see what new opportunities and achievements await you in your new position. 為您感到無比高興,並迫不及待地想看看在新的崗位上您將會迎接怎樣的新機遇和成就。
以上都是一些正式且適合在職場中使用的祝賀語。另外還有一些更為親切的祝賀語如"Awesome job, boss!"、"Way to go, Senior!"等等,可以根據你和上司的關係和具體情況來選擇使用。