
新工作祝福語 英文


* 祝你工作順利,步步高升!

Best wishes for a successful new job and rapid promotion!

* 祝你找到新的工作,快樂如意!

Wishing you a new job that brings happiness and fulfillment!

* 祝你新工作一切順利,好運連連!

All the best for your new job, hoping for smooth sailing and good luck!

* 願你的新工作帶給你無盡的快樂和成功!

May your new job bring you endless joy and success!

* 祝你在新的工作中一帆風順,萬事如意!

Wishing you a smooth start in your new job with all the best things coming your way!

* 恭喜你找到新的工作,希望你在那裡一展所長!

Congratulations on finding a new job, hoping you can show your skills there!
