


* 中文:祝你的退休生活快樂,前程似錦,一切順利!

* 英文:Wishing you a happy and fulfilling retirement, with brighter prospects ahead!

* 中文:感謝你這些年的辛勤付出,祝你退休後享受美好的生活!

* 英文:Thank you for your hard work over the years. Wishing you a wonderful life after retirement!

* 中文:願你在新的工作崗位上一切順利,享受美好的退休生活!

* 英文:I hope everything goes well for you in your new job, and that you enjoy your retirement!

* 中文:祝福你開啟人生的新篇章,享受美好的退休生活!

* 英文:Wishing you a new chapter in life filled with joy and happiness as you enjoy your retirement!