


A little teddy bear,

Went to the Christmas tree,

To see what he could see,

What could he beee?

"C" for a Christmas cookie,

"C" for a Christmas hat,

"C" for a Christmas card,

"C" for a big fat "CHRISTmas!"

Boo hoo! A big fat "CHRISTmas,"

Not "Birthday" as he'd hoped.

But then he saw a star,

And it twinkled and shone so.

"S" for the star that shone above,

"S" for the tears that flowed no more.

"S" for a smile that soon came,

"S" for a wish that soon came true.

Merry Christmas, little bear!

Now all is right with your world.

All your wishes and dreams,

Have come true.

With "C," "S," and "M," and "Y!"