- 願這次愉快的合作能進一步鞏固我們的關係。 May this pleasant cooperation further consolidate our relationship.
- 祝賀你們在本次比賽中取得的傑出成績。 Congratulations on your outstanding performance in this competition.
- 祝賀貴公司在新的一年裡取得更大的成功。 Congratulations on your company's greater success in the new year.
- 祝賀貴司在業務拓展方面取得的重大突破。 Congratulations on your significant breakthrough in business expansion.
- 祝賀你們在困難時期展現出的堅韌不拔的精神。 Congratulations on the resilience you have demonstrated during difficult times.
- 祝賀你們在業界取得的傑出成就。 Congratulations on your outstanding achievements in the industry.
- 願這次慶典為貴公司帶來更多的繁榮和成功。 May this celebration bring even more prosperity and success to your company.