
升官祝賀詞 英文


* 祝賀你升職,願你步步高升,職場得意,事事順心!* Congratulations on your promotion! May you rise in career and succeed in work. May all your wishes come true.* 祝賀你升職,願你前程似錦,步步高升!* Congratulations on your promotion. May your future be as bright as possible and your career rise higher and higher.* 祝賀你升職成功,願你事業有成,步步高升!* Congratulations on your promotion! May your career flourish and rise higher and higher.* 祝你步步高升,官運亨通,事事順心!* Wishing you all the best in your new position, with continued advancement in both career and fortune, and every success in all your endeavors!
