- 願你是風,鼓起白色的帆;願你是一艘夢想的船,劈波斬浪,帶著周歲的祝福駛向遠方。Wish you are the wind, blowing white sails; Wishing you a dream boat, cutting through the waves, carrying a birthday wish to the distance. *
- Happy birthday to you! May all your dreams come true and may you live a happy and fulfilling life. *
- 祝寶寶周歲生日快樂!May your first birthday be filled with joy and happiness. *
- 願你的生命里充滿愛和歡樂,祝你周歲快樂!May your life be filled with love and joy, and may your first birthday be a memorable one. *
- 祝你在新的一歲里一切順利,萬事如意!Wishing you a prosperous year in your new decade! *
- 祝你生日快樂,願你的生活比昨天更加精彩!Happy birthday, may your life be more exciting than ever before! *