
商業祝福語 英文


1. “祝你的生意興隆,財源廣進!”

"Wishing your business prosperity and wealth increase!"

2. “願你的公司蒸蒸日上,財源滾滾!”

"May your company thrive and flourish with endless sources of wealth!"

3. “祝你的生意越來越好,財運亨通!”

"Wishing your business grows better and better with good fortune in finances!"

4. “願你的公司成為行業的領導者,生意興隆!”

"May your company become a leader in the industry and thrive with business success!"

5. “祝你的業務蒸蒸日上,一帆風順!”

"Wishing your business grows daily with smooth sailing!"

6. “祝你的公司財源滾滾,生意興隆,萬事如意!”

"Wishing your company endless sources of wealth, business success, and all the best in everything!"
