1. 願你們白頭偕老,相愛永遠。
英文:May you grow old together and love each other forever.
2. 願你們的愛情像磐石一樣堅定,像流水一樣長流不息。
英文:May your love be as steadfast as a rock and as flowing as the water.
3. 願你們的生活充滿愛和歡樂,幸福美滿。
英文:May your life be filled with love and joy, and filled with happiness.
4. 願你們在人生的旅途中相互扶持,共同成長。
英文:May you support each other in your journey through life and grow together.
5. 願你們的愛成為你們生活的中心,讓彼此的生活更加美好。
英文:May your love become the center of your life and make each other's lives better.