



宇宙を走り連れていって 時空を突き抜けてゆこう 飛行車でさあ 旅立ちの刻に 宇宙を駆ける夢見る夢を 摑むときはすべてを超えて ひとつの夢をたどりつく

中文歌詞: 一起駛向宇宙 穿越時空去旅行 乘坐飛行車 開始啟程的時刻 追逐著駛向宇宙的夢想 抵達終點時超越一切 追尋同一個夢想

祝賀你,一路順風 一路歡歌笑語,未來無限美好 祝賀你,勇敢前行 未來將有更多的奇蹟等待著你 祝賀你,乘風破浪 無論何時何地,我們永遠陪伴著你 一起駛向宇宙,勇敢前行

英文歌詞: Take off into the universe Through time and space on a journey By airship, at the moment of departure Chasing dreams that fly towards the universe Congratulations, good luck on your way With laughter and joy, the future is endless Congratulations, bravely go forward More miracles await you wherever you go Congratulations, ride the wind and waves Always by your side as we take off into the universe, bravely going forward.