1. 畢業快樂!願你未來前程似錦,一切順順利利!
Congratulations on graduating! May your future prospects be as bright as possible and everything go smoothly.
2. 大學畢業,開啟新篇章!
Graduation from university, opening a new chapter!
3. 願你勇闖天涯,前程似錦!
May you venture to explore the world and have a bright future ahead!
4. 畢業快樂,一切順利!
Congratulations on graduation, everything goes smoothly!
5. 願你把握住未來的每一個機遇,走向成功!
May you seize every opportunity for success in the future and move forward towards success!
6. 祝你前程無量,未來可期!**
Wishing you an abundance of future prospects!