


1. "Congratulations on your wedding! May your marriage be filled with love, happiness, and joy."

2. "Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love as you take your vows before God and everyone."

3. "May your marriage be blessed with the presence of God's love and the absence of any obstacle."

4. "Congratulations on this special moment in your life. May your union bring peace, happiness, and joy to you both."

5. "May your marriage be a reflection of the love you have for each other, and may all who witness your union learn the beauty of true love."

6. "Congratulations on your wedding! May your union bring you both strength, happiness, and fulfillment in life."

7. "May your marriage be filled with laughter and tears, but always filled with love."

8. "May your wedding be a symbol of a lifetime of love, companionship, and support."
