


1. “祝福你們兩個,願你們的婚姻像鑽石一樣永恆!”

“Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness and love, just like an eternal diamond!”

2. “願你們的愛情像藍天白雲一樣純潔無暇,願你們的婚姻像彩虹一樣美麗!”

“May your love be as pure as blue sky and white clouds, and your marriage as beautiful as a rainbow!”

3. “祝賀你們步入婚姻的殿堂,願你們的生活充滿愛和歡笑!”

“Congratulations on walking down the aisle, may your life be filled with love and laughter!”

4. “祝你們新婚愉快,白頭偕老,幸福美滿!”

“Wishing you a happy new marriage, a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment together!”

5. “願你們的愛情永遠像初戀一樣甜蜜,願你們的婚姻永遠充滿溫馨和幸福!”

“May your love always be as sweet as first love, and your marriage always filled with warmth and happiness!”
