


  1. 「祝賀你,嫁出去一個美麗的女兒,願你的女兒幸福快樂,一生平安。」 "Congratulations, you have blessed the world with a beautiful daughter. May your daughter live a happy and peaceful life."

  2. 「恭喜你為世界增添了一個美好的婚姻,願你們全家幸福美滿。」 "Congratulations on adding a beautiful marriage to the world. May your entire family be happy and prosperous."

  3. 「祝福你的女兒,她找到了一個愛她的人,願她的婚姻幸福美滿。」 "Bless your daughter, who has found a person who loves her. May her marriage be filled with happiness and prosperity."

  4. 「恭喜你為女兒舉辦了一個盛大的婚禮,願你們全家永遠幸福快樂。」 "Congratulations on the grand wedding of your daughter. May your entire family always be happy and joyful."

  5. 「祝福你的女兒,願她在新的家庭中幸福快樂,也希望你的家庭永遠充滿愛和歡樂。」 "Bless your daughter, may she be happy in her new family, and also hope that your family will always be filled with love and joy."