


祝福新人,喜結連理,百年好合。 May the couple be blessed with happiness and live a long and happy life.

祝福新人婚姻美滿,幸福無比。 May the couple have a happy marriage and be filled with happiness.

恭喜新人,願幸福常伴左右。 Congratulations, may happiness always be by your side.

祝福新人婚姻如意,永浴愛河。 May the couple have a smooth marriage and always bathe in the love of each other.

願新人婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。 May the couple have a beautiful marriage and grow old together.

祝福新人新婚愉快,幸福無比。 Wishing you a happy marriage filled with happiness and love.