- 願你每天微笑,快樂無憂。Wishing you a smile every day and happiness without worries. *
- 願你的生活充滿陽光,每天都精彩。May your life be filled with sunshine and moments of joy every day. *
- 祝你幸福,永遠被愛,永遠愛別人。Wishing you happiness, always be loved, and love others forever. *
- 情人節快樂,願你心有所屬,幸福安康。Happy Valentine's Day, may you belong to someone and be happy and healthy always. *
- 願你的世界充滿愛,每天都充滿溫暖。May your world be filled with love and warmth every day. *
- 祝你愛情甜蜜,幸福美滿。Wishing you a sweet love and a fulfilling happiness. *
- 願你的日子如詩如畫,快樂無邊。May your days be like a poem and a painting, filled with endless joy. *