
懷孕的祝福語 英文


1. “預祝你們孕期順利,生下健康可愛的小寶寶!”

"Wishing you a smooth pregnancy and the birth of a healthy little baby!"

2. “恭喜你們即將迎來新的家庭成員!”

"Congratulations on your impending addition to the family!"

3. “願這個小生命為你們的家庭帶來無盡的歡樂和愛!”

"May this little one bring endless joy and love to your family!"

4. “祝福你們孕期平安,寶寶健康聰明!”

"May your pregnancy be peaceful, and the baby be healthy and intelligent!"

5. “祝福你們即將成為父母,與小寶寶共享人生的甜蜜!”

"Wishing you both the joy of becoming parents, and sharing the sweetness of life with your little one!"

6. “小寶寶在肚子裡健康成長,祝福你們一家幸福美滿!”

"May your little one grow healthy in your belly, and the whole family be filled with happiness!"

7. “願這個新生命為你們的家庭帶來無盡的幸福和希望!”

"May this new life bring endless happiness and hope to your family!"