


* 願新的環境給你帶來新的歡愉,新居花鳥香,美不勝收。 Wishing you all the joy and happiness in moving to a new environment. The flowers, birds, and fragrance will make your new home more beautiful than ever.

* 喜遷新居笑聲連連,幸福生活年年。 A joyful move to a new home with laughter and happiness year after year.

* 願您的搬家勞累變成甜蜜,甜甜蜜蜜。 May the hard work of moving bring sweet rewards for you.

* 喬遷快樂,萬事如意,吉祥滿堂。 Wishing you happiness and prosperity as you make your new home.

* 願您的新家充滿溫暖和快樂,像明亮的太陽一樣照耀您的生活。 May your new home be filled with warmth and joy, shining brightly in your life just like a sunny day.
