* Wishing you a New Year filled with joy, love and happiness. 祝你新的一年充滿歡樂、愛和幸福。
* May all the good things of this New Year fill your life, and all your dreams and wishes come true.願新年裡所有美好的事物充滿你的生活,你所有的夢想和願望都能實現。
* May the New Year bring you all the joy and happiness you deserve.願新年帶給你所有應得的歡樂和幸福。
* May the New Year bring you health, happiness and prosperity in all aspects of your life.願新年給你帶來健康,幸福,並在你生活的各個方面繁榮昌盛。
* Wishing you a wonderful New Year filled with joy, success and opportunities.祝你新的一年充滿精彩,事事順心,事業有成。