


新年賀卡文化(New Year card culture)是一種傳統,它鼓勵人們通過製作和傳送賀卡來表達他們對新年的祝福和感激之情。以下是幾種常見的英文新年祝賀卡表達方式:

  1. Wishing you a wonderful New Year full of joy and happiness. 祝願您新的一年充滿歡樂和幸福。

  2. May the New Year bring you all the joy and happiness you deserve. 願新的一年帶給你應得的歡樂和幸福。

  3. A Happy New Year filled with love, joy, and good health. 願新的一年充滿愛、歡樂和健康。

  4. May the New Year shower you with its blessings and make your dreams come true. 願新的一年為你灑下祝福,使你的夢想成真。

  5. Wishing you a bright and fulfilling New Year filled with peace, love, and joy. 祝願您新的一年充滿光明、充實,充滿和平、愛和歡樂。

  6. May this New Year bring you all the happiness you have ever dreamed of. 願新的一年帶給你所有你曾經夢想過的幸福。

  7. A heartfelt Happy New Year filled with love and laughter. 衷心祝願您新的一年充滿愛和歡笑。
