


* 祝你在新的一年裡萬事如意,心想事成。 May all your wishes come true and all your plans succeed in the new year.

* 願你有一個輕鬆快樂的新年,家庭和睦,事業有成。 Wishing you a happy and joyful new year filled with happiness and success in all your endeavors.

* 願新年帶給你和你所愛的人幸福和平安。 May happiness and peace be with you and all those you love during this new year.

* 願新年的快樂永遠伴隨著你,直到永恆。 May the joy of the new year be with you forever.

* 新年快樂!願你的每一天都充滿幸福和溫馨。 Happy New Year! May every day of your life be filled with happiness and warmth.

* 新年快樂!願你的未來更加光明美好。 Happy New Year! May your future be even brighter and more beautiful.
