- 旅途愉快,平安健康。* Enjoy your journey and stay healthy and safe.
- 願你在旅途中有所收穫,收穫滿滿的回憶。* May you come back with wonderful memories from your travels.
- 祝你在旅途中找到自我,感受世界的美好。* Wishing you find yourself on your journey and experience the beauty of the world.
- 旅遊愉快,步步高升!* Have a great trip and success in your travels!
- 希望你在旅途中收穫滿滿,滿載而歸。* I hope you come back from your travels with plenty of new experiences and treasures.
- 願你的旅程充滿歡樂與驚喜!* May your journey be filled with joy and surprises!