* Wishing you the peace and joy of baptism forever. 願你永遠享有洗禮的平靜和喜樂。
* May the blessings of baptism flow through you forever. 願洗禮的祝福永遠流向你。
* May baptism shower you with goodness, happiness, and peace. 洗禮願賜福你,賜給你善良、幸福與平安。
* May you be blessed with the grace of baptism forever. 願你永遠被洗禮的恩寵所祝福。
* May the waters of baptism bring you peace, joy, and new life. 願洗禮之水賜你平安、快樂和新的生活。
* May the Holy Spirit dwell in your heart through baptism, filling you with love and peace. 願聖靈通過洗禮進入你的心,充滿你的愛與平安。