* 願你是那隻歸來的小船,在夕光中也別忘了帶上我的思念。(May you be the little boat that returns, don't forget to bring my thoughts with you on the evening light.)
* 願你生命中的每一月都充滿陽光,如月兒一般明亮。(May every month of your life be filled with sunshine, as bright as the moon.)
* 祝賀你滿月之喜,願你未來的日子平安喜樂。(Congratulations on your month-old joy, may you have a future filled with peace and happiness.)
* 願你的生命如滿月一般,飽滿且閃耀。(May your life be like a full moon, full and shining.)
* 願你的生命如滿月,美滿且如意。(May your life be full of fulfillment and happiness, just like a full moon.)