1. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and joy! 祝賀你誕生了一個小生命!
2. Congratulations on the birth of your healthy baby! 恭喜你生了一個健康的寶寶!
3. May all the happiness and joy follow your new little one! 願你的新寶貝一生幸福快樂!
4. A new life has begun! Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world. 一個新生命誕生了!祝願你在這個世界上擁有所有的愛和幸福。
5. A healthy, strong baby, filled with joy and promise. Congratulations! 祝賀你,你擁有了一個健康強壯的、充滿歡樂和希望的寶寶!