1. A girl has been born to you, bringing joy and happiness!(祝福您,添了千金,吉祥如意)。
2. Congratulations on the birth of a lovely daughter!(千金降臨,喜上眉梢)。
3. Warmest wishes for a healthy, beautiful and happy girl!(祝福可愛的女兒健康美麗幸福)。
4. A new baby girl adds joy to your home - congratulations!(新生兒女帶來了歡樂 - 恭喜)。
5. May all the good wishes shower down on your lovely daughter!(願所有美好的祝願都傾注在可愛的女兒身上)。
6. A beautiful and healthy new baby girl, bring joy and happiness into your life!(一個美麗健康的新生女嬰,為您的生活帶來歡樂和幸福!)。