
生子賀詞 英文


* 恭喜添丁,喜得麟兒。(Congratulations on the addition to the family and the joy of welcoming a new baby boy.)

* 祝賀你們喜得貴子,希望他健康快樂成長。(Congratulations on the birth of your precious baby. May he grow up healthy and happy.)

* 祝福寶寶健康成長,快樂幸福。(Wishing your baby a healthy body and mind, and a lifetime of happiness and joy.)

* 祝賀你們家庭添丁進口,願幸福永遠伴隨著你們。(Congratulations on the addition to your family. May happiness always accompany you.)

* 恭喜添丁,願好運永遠圍繞在你和寶寶身邊。(Congratulations on the birth of your baby. May good luck always be with you and your family.)
