


* 生意如同春意盎然,蒸蒸日上,財源廣進。May your business prosper as the springtime brings new hope and vigor.

* 祝你的生意興隆,財源滾滾。I wish your business great success and endless prosperity.

* 恭喜你開張大吉,生意興隆通四海。Congratulations on the grand opening of your business, may it flourish and thrive throughout the world.

* 願你的生意如日中天,萬事如意,財源滾滾。May your business soar to new heights and all your wishes come true with money rolling in.

* 祝你生意紅紅火火,財源廣進,日進斗金。I wish you a flourishing business and endless wealth.

* 恭喜發財,生意興隆!Wishing you prosperity in business.

* 祝你生意如同旭日東升,蒸蒸日上。I wish your business to rise like the sun, increasing in prosperity day by day.
