- 祝你生日快樂,笑口常開。Happy birthday to you and many happy returns of it.
- 生日之際,獻上我的三個祝願:一願你身體健康;二願你幸福快樂;三願你能有一個輝煌的前程!On your birthday, may I offer you three wishes: good health, happiness, and a brilliant future.
- 願你的生日充滿無窮的快樂,願你今天的回憶溫馨,願你所有的夢想甜美,願你這一年稱心如意!May your birthday be filled with endless joy, may the memories of today be tender, may all your dreams be sweet, and may you have a year filled with fulfillment.
- 生日之時不要忘記母親,工作當中不要忘記朋友,煩惱之時要學會冷靜,快樂之時要讓笑容綻放。Don't forget your mother on your birthday, don't forget your friends when you are working, and when you are confused, learn to be calm. Let the smile bloom when you are happy.