
生活祝福語 英文


* 祝你在生活中事事順心。 Happy smooth sailing in your life.

* 祝你生活愉快,事業有成。 Cheers to a wonderful life with success in your career.

* 願你每天都有好心情,生活充滿幸福。 May your days be filled with happiness and joyful moments, filled with happiness in your life.

* 祝福你在生活中一切順利,健康快樂。 Wishing you a smooth journey in life, filled with health and happiness.

* 祝你生活愉快,家庭幸福。 Wishing you a happy life filled with joy and happiness.

* 願你的生活充滿陽光,事業有成,身體健康。 May your life be filled with sunshine, success in your career, and good health.
