


1. “願你前程似錦,未來可期。” May your future be bright and your future expectations high.

2. “願你走出半生,歸來仍是少年。” May you emerge from half a lifetime and return as a young man.

3. “願你生命中充滿陽光和歡笑,無論你走到哪裡。” May there be sunshine and laughter in your life, wherever you go.

4. “祝你在人生的道路上一切順利,願你的夢想成真。” Wish you all the best in life and may your dreams come true.

5. “願你心懷感恩,勇往直前。” May you always be grateful and brave in the face of challenges.

6. “祝你在新的旅程中一帆風順,實現你的夢想。” Wishing you a smooth journey in your new journey and fulfilling your dreams.

7. “畢業快樂,願你前程無量,未來可期。” Graduation happiness, may your future be abundant and bright.
