* 願你在新的人生旅程中繼續勇敢前行。
* Wishing you courage to continue on your journey in the next phase of your life.
* 祝你前程似錦,展翅高飛。
* Best wishes for a bright future and soaring heights.
* 祝你在人生的道路上越走越遠,前程無量。
* Wishing you a bright future full of opportunities as you walk down the road of life.
* 祝你學業有成,事事如意。
* Wishing you success in your studies and all things go your way.
* 祝你人生道路一帆風順,萬事如意。
* May all your roads lead to success and everything in life go your way.
* 願你取得偉大的成就,繼續領略無盡的知識與美好。
* Wishing you great accomplishments, continued knowledge and beauty in life.