
畢業祝賀詞 英文


1. “祝賀你畢業,願你前程似錦,未來可期!” Congratulations on graduating, may your future be bright and filled with hope!

2. “恭喜你完成學業,你的努力和汗水沒有白費。” Congratulations on completing your education, your hard work and dedication have not been in vain.

3. “願你的未來充滿陽光,事業有成,家庭幸福!” Wishing you a future filled with sunshine, success in your career and happiness in your family!

4. “祝賀你踏上新的人生旅程,願你前程無量!” Congratulations on embarking on a new journey in life, may your future be limitless!

5. “畢業快樂,願你繼續追尋夢想,勇往直前!” Congratulations on graduating, may you continue to pursue your dreams and take risks to reach your goals!