* 祝你前程似錦,一切順順利利。May your future be as bright as the stars and smooth as the waves.
* 願你走出萬里,歸來仍是少年。May you travel far and wide, and still be a boy歸來.
* 願你早日實現心中夢想,擁有美好未來。Wishing you a bright future filled with your dreams.
* 畢業快樂,祝你擁有一個全新的開始。Happiness for graduation, may you have a new beginning.
* 願你揚帆起航,駛向成功的彼岸。Wishing you a boat to set sail and sail towards the shore of success.
* 祝你前程無量,未來可期。May your future be limitless and the future is hopeful.