畢業 英文 祝詞
* 祝賀你在學業上取得的成績,期待你未來在事業上取得更大的成功。
Congratulations on your academic achievements, and best wishes for greater success in your future endeavors.
* 願你在新的旅程中充滿智慧與勇氣,實現你的夢想。
May you be filled with wisdom and courage in your new journey, achieving all of your dreams.
* 祝你前程似錦,未來可期。
Wishing you a bright future full of opportunities ahead.
* 願你的畢業不是結束,而是新的開始。
May your graduation not be a termination, but rather a new beginning.
* 感謝你為學校做出的貢獻,祝福你在未來的人生道路上一切順利。
Thank you for your contributions to the school, and best wishes for a successful journey ahead in life.