


* 願你的人生充滿期待和驚喜,願你的日子過的如詩一樣,美麗動人。 Wishing you a life filled with anticipation and surprise, and days that are as beautiful as poetry. *

* 祝你一切順心,好運相伴,萬事如意。 Wishing you all the best, good luck, and everything going your way. *

* 願你的人生充滿快樂,幸福無邊。 May your life be filled with joy and happiness beyond measure. *

* 祝你身體健康,萬事如意,笑口常開,好運連連。 Wishing you health, happiness, and good luck in all your endeavors. *

* 祝福你永遠開心,笑口常開,幸福美滿。 I wish you happiness, joy, and fulfillment of all your dreams. *

* 願你永遠被生活善待,擁有愛與被愛。 Wishing you a life filled with kindness, love, and joy. *

* 祝你一切安好,幸福快樂。 Wishing you all the best in life and happiness. *
