
祝福朋友的話 英文


* 願朋友們事事順心,快樂相隨。 Happy to all my friends, may all your heart desires be achieved.*

* 祝朋友們一切如意,笑口常開。 Wishing all my friends a lifetime of happiness and joy.*

* 願朋友們一生平安幸福,萬事如意。 May all my friends be safe and happy throughout life.*

* 祝朋友們的友情天長地久,幸福永遠相伴。 Wishing my friend's friendship will last forever and happiness always be by their side.*

* 祝福朋友事事順心,身體健康。 May all your endeavors be fulfilling and your body be in good health.*

* 祝朋友們快樂相伴,笑口常開。 My friends, may you always have something to smile about.*

* 祝朋友們幸福安康,家庭美滿。 May all your friends be happy, healthy and have a fulfilling family life.*
