


* 祝福你 [人名] 祝你一切順利。 Bless you [name] and all goes well with you.

* 願你被這個世界溫柔以待,不再顛沛流離。May this world be gentle and kind to you, no more wandering and searching.

* 祝福您心想事成。Wish you all the best.

* 祝你生活愉快。Wishing you a life of happiness and fulfillment.

* 祝您今天好運。Wishing you a good day.

* 祝您一生幸福,健康長壽。Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and good health.

* 願你所有的努力都能夠開花結果,所有的等待都有回報。May all your efforts bloom and bear fruit, and all your waitings be rewarded.

此外,祝福你的英文是“Wish you all the best,”也可以說“Wishing you happiness and success”。