1. 新年快樂!願你在新的一年裡一切順利,身體健康,萬事如意。
Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true and everything go well for you in the new year.
2. 情人節快樂!願你的愛情甜蜜如蜜,幸福長久。
Happy Valentine's Day! May your love be as sweet as honey and your happiness last forever.
3. 生日祝福!願你的生日充滿歡樂和愛,願你的未來充滿無限可能。
Happy Birthday! May your birthday be filled with joy and love, and may your future hold endless possibilities.
4. 聖誕節快樂!願你的家人和朋友身體健康,平安喜樂。
Merry Christmas! May your family and friends be healthy and happy throughout the holiday season.
5. 感恩節快樂!願你感恩生活,珍惜每一個現在。
Happy Thanksgiving! May you be grateful for life and cherish every moment.
6. 中秋節快樂!願你的家庭團圓美滿,幸福安康。
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May your family be reunited and filled with happiness and health.