


1. May your marriage be marked by love, loyalty, and companionship, just like the companionship of Abraham and Sarah, or like Sarah's trust in God's promise.祝福你們婚姻美滿,如亞伯拉罕與撒拉的婚姻,或撒拉對上帝應許的信賴。

2. May your marriage be a source of joy and comfort, filled with love and laughter.願你們的婚姻充滿歡樂和愛,如詩中所願:“我願你們的婚姻像園中的果樹,結滿了愛之果。”

3. May your marriage be blessed with the presence of God's grace and the fulfillment of all your dreams.願你們的婚姻被上帝的恩典所祝福,實現你們所有的夢想。

4. May you grow old together, hand in hand, always remembering that God is with you, guiding you through every moment of your life together.願你們一起慢慢變老,手牽手,始終記得上帝與你們同在,引導你們一起度過生命中的每一刻。

5. May your marriage be a symbol of your love for each other and a source of joy and happiness for your family and friends.願你們的婚姻成為你們彼此愛情的象徵,為家人和朋友帶來歡樂和幸福。