
結婚賀詞範例 english


1. "Congratulations on your marriage! May your love grow stronger with every passing day, and may your lives together be filled with joy and happiness."

2. "Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness as you take your vows today. May your union be blessed with a lifetime of joy and fulfillment."

3. "May your marriage be filled with laughter and love, and may your union bring joy to all who surround you."

4. "Congratulations on embarking on this new journey of love. May your marriage be filled with the beauty and richness of true companionship."

5. "Wishing you a lifetime of love, support, and laughter as you take your next step together."

6. "May your marriage be a symbol of love, companionship, and commitment, and may all your dreams and aspirations come true."
