- May you two continue to enjoy this wonderful love as you grow old together. 這是我對你的一片真情,希望你能永遠銘記在心。請收下我這份小小的禮物,我祝福你們永遠幸福快樂。[新郎的名字] and [新娘的名字],願你們幸福永遠。
- Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Please accept this small token of our love and affection. 這是我們小小的心意,請收下它,祝你們愛情永恆幸福。
- With best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness. Please accept this as a token of my love and respect. 願你倆的愛情永恆,幸福美滿。請收下我的紅包。