- 祝福你,新婚快樂,白頭偕老。 Wish you both a happy lifetime together!
- 願你倆的愛情甜甜蜜蜜,生活美滿幸福。 May your love always be sweet and your life fulfilling.
- 祝你們永遠幸福快樂,相愛永遠。 Wishing you both happiness and love forever.
- 祝福你們新婚愉快,恩愛百年。 Wishing you all a happy wedding and years of love.
- 願你們永遠互敬互愛,攜手共度餘生。 May you always respect and love each other, hand in hand through life.
- 祝福你們新婚之夜,幸福美滿。 Wishing you both a happy and fulfilling night of your wedding.
- 願你們的婚姻像花兒一樣美麗,像蜂蜜一樣甜美。 May your marriage be as beautiful as flowers and as sweet as honey.