* 祝你心情愉快,好運常在! (*Wishing you a pleasant mood and good luck always!*)
* 希望你的生活充滿歡笑,好運連連! (*Hope your life is filled with laughter and good luck continues!*)
* 祝你一切順利,幸福安康! (*Wishing you all the best, happiness and good health!*)
* 願你每天都有好心情,事事如意! (*May every day bring you a pleasant mood and smooth sailing in everything!*)
* 祝福你一切都好,笑口常開! (*Wishing you all the best, a smile on your face, and joy in your heart!*)
* 希望你的每一天都充滿陽光和快樂! (*Hope every day brings you sunshine and happiness!*)