


* 新年快樂,萬事如意! May everything go well with you.* 新年到,福星照,事事如意心歡笑。 Happy New Year and best wishes for everything to go well.* 新的一年,新的開始,新的希望。 May you have a wonderful new year filled with joy and success.* 願新年的快樂一年四季常在。 May joy and happiness be with you throughout the year.* 祝你新年百事可樂,萬事芬達! Wishing you a happy new year filled with everything the best.* 祝你新年笑口常開,幸福快樂。 Wishing you a wonderful year filled with happiness and success.* 祝你新年好運,幸福快樂到永遠。 Wishing you a happy new year filled with good luck and joy forever.
