- 願新年的快樂一年四季常在!May happiness follow you wherever you go! Happy New Year! *
- 新年快樂,萬事如意,好運連連,身體健康!Wishing you a wonderful start to the New Year, filled with joy, good luck, and health! *
- 新的一年,新的開始,新的希望。Happy New Year, filled with hope and possibility. *
- 祝你新年身體健康,笑口常開,好運連連。Wishing you a healthy new year, happiness always beaming from your face, and lots of good luck. *
- 新年到,迎新祝福道,開心顏笑容!Happy New Year! *
- 新年到來了,祝你新年一切順心如意!Wishing you all the best in the New Year! *
- 新年快樂!願你的生活充滿陽光,幸福滿滿!Happy New Year! May your life be filled with sunshine and happiness! *
- 新的一年,新的征程,祝你一切順利!Happy New Year, may all your endeavors be successful! *
- 新年到,萬事如意,笑口常開!Happy New Year! *
- 願你在新的一年裡健康快樂,好事連連!Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year filled with joy and success! *