* 給你寄了一封信,帶去我真心的祝福。[Recipient's name], I have sent you a letter with my sincere wishes.
* 願你一切安好,身體健康,事業有成,笑口常開。May all go well with you, with good health, achievements in career, and a smile on your face.
* 願你在新的一年裡,身體健康,萬事如意。Wishing you good health and happiness in the new year.
* 願你所有的希望都能如願,所有的夢想都能實現,所有的等候都能出現,所有的付出都能兌現。Wishing all your hopes become true, all your dreams come true, all your waitings appear, all your deeds come to fruition.