- 願往後餘生,快樂是你,健康是你,富有也是你。Happy birthday to you. May the best and happiest things in life always be with you.*
- 願你有一個甜甜噠,美美噠,開心噠生日,親愛噠!Wishing you a birthday that is as sweet, as beautiful and as happy as you deserve to have.*
- 親愛的,祝你生日快樂,幸福安康,好運連連!Dear, wishing you a happy birthday, good health and lots of luck!
- 親愛的自己,生日快樂。Today is your birthday, Happy Birthday to the best version of yourself.*
- 願你有一個最簡單最特別的日子,親愛的生日快樂。Happy birthday to the best version of yourself.*