


* 祝你天天擁有陽光般的笑容,給你寄去我深深的祝福。 Happy smile for a sunny day, and a thoughtful message just for you.

* 願你所有的希望都能如願,所有的夢想都能實現,所有的等候都能出現,所有的付出都能兌現。 Wishing you all the happiness, all the dreams come true, all the waiting comes to pass, and all the efforts are rewarded.

* 祝你一切順心,好運相伴,萬事如意,笑口常開。 Wishing you all the best, good luck always by your side, everything goes well, and a smile on your face.

* 願你的生活充滿陽光,幸福圍繞。 Wishing you a sunny life with happiness all around.

* 祝你身體健康,事業有成,幸福快樂每一天。 Wishing you good health, success in your career, and happiness and joy every day.

* 願你的每一天都充滿陽光,幸福和愛。 Wishing you sunshine, happiness, and love every day.
