- A happy lunar new year, my friend! May the joy of a full moon and happiness follow you throughout the year.* 農曆新年快樂,朋友!願滿月帶來的歡樂和幸福陪伴你一年四季。
- Wishing you a lunar new year filled with happiness, joy, and the spirit of family.* 祝你農曆新年充滿幸福、快樂和家庭氛圍。
- May all your wishes come true during the lunar new year. Happy lunar new year!* 願你在農曆新年期間所有願望成真。農曆新年快樂!
- Wishing you a wonderful lunar new year filled with love, joy, and good health. * 祝願你農曆新年充滿愛的魔力,帶來歡樂和健康。
請注意,在英語中並沒有與農曆新年完全對應的詞,我們通常會使用「lunar new year」來表示。以上的祝福語也可以靈活修改和調整,以便更好地符合您的實際交流環境和需求。